Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Dad accused of killing son over sex abuse claim"

What is going on with the world today??

Okay, so the father killed the son because he sexually assaulted his sister??
If he was my kid, I sure as hell would not kill him... maybe just slap him around, or maybe take him to authorities and be treated as an adult. The father, I would say, went way too far. Yes, I would be infuriated if my 15 year old son molested my 3 year old daughter, but I still wouldn't murder him! I think there's some family issues going on there...

"made the teen strip at gunpoint, marched him to a vacant lot and shot him to death despite pleas from the boy and his mother"
That's just sad...

That's all I have to say about that...


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"That's So Gay"

Oh, Is it really?

When someone says, "That's so gay", they're usually not referring to homosexual males... They could be reffering to some ones outfit that they don't like or whatever.
I do catch myself saying it, but after I do, I give myself a slapping.

But it really does irritate me... But, I guess I'll just have to get used to it, because it is used for everything...

Examples: Oh my God, her hair looks so gay with that headband in it"
I can't believe she said that! That was so gay!

I can just imagine some little prep saying something like that, hahahah.

Anyways, I'm done ranting on that. I don't even have much to say to rant about that...


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Okay, here's my thing on "Emos"...

If you're truly depressed and actually have something worth being depressed about, then I'm okay with you... But on the other hand, if you're just a damn poser and acting all depressed and being "emo" just to fit in or to be "cool", then you should just go somewhere and die. HA! I don't hate "emos", I hate the people that are acting like they're "emo". I know many people that say they're "emo" and aren't depressed or dark at all. Maybe they just like the style... Hmm... I don't know. Everywhere I go now, I see a freakin' "emo" or a scene person. They're all just a bunch of clones... Oh... uhh.. wait.. I mean you're all individuals! No. Not really. You aren't. You're all the same actually... Mostly craving attention. I'm not saying that that's bad or anything, I'm just saying you're annoying as hell and that no one really cares.

Well, that's my rant for "emos".
